
Queensland Twin Registry Study

Description of the Study

Queensland Twin Registry (QTwin) Study  is a population-based registry of identical and non-identical twins and triplets of all ages, living in Australia. Membership of QTwin is free.

QTwin would like to hear from all twins; identical and non-identical, male-female twins, as well as same sex twins. Triplets are also eligible to register.

By joining, you are making yourself available to participate in interesting and exciting research projects and be a part of scientific discoveries about health and disease.

Even if you are completely healthy you can still make a contribution by joining QTwin. We need people who aren’t affected by the condition or disease we are researching to provide a healthy comparison group.

The Queensland Twin Registry (QTwin) was established in 2006 by Professor Nick Martin, Head of the Genetic Epidemiology Laboratory at QIMR Berghofer.

Professor Martin has worked in the field of twin research for more than 30 years. He has published over 1000 research papers on many aspects of twin research and is the editor of the International Journal, Twin Research and Human Genetics.


Many of the things that affect human health and cause disease are genetic, while many are also due to our environment. Twin studies help us understand the relative importance of genetic and environmental influences on behavioural characteristics, health and illness.

Twins can help research in a special way that others can’t.

Throughout the world, twins have participated in projects investigating cancer, migraine and headache, anxiety and depression, eczema, asthma, alcohol and tobacco use, ADHD, endometriosis, weight, glaucoma, reading ability and personality differences.

By joining, you are making yourself available to participate in interesting and exciting research projects and be a part of scientific discoveries about health and disease.

Eligibility criteria

To be eligible for our research studies both twins (or all triplets) must register. Twins or triplets under 18 must be registered by one of their parents. If registering via a paper form, a parent signature is required.

We are currently seeking participants from twins and triplets in:

  • South East QLD – identical or non-identical twins and triplets eight years and older
  • QLD, NSW and VIC – identical or non-identical twins and triplets aged 65-90 years.

Participation involves

To register please click here

After you have registered, you are not obliged to participate in any particular study – participation is completely voluntary. 

QIMR-HREC approval reference: P990

Recruitment status: OPEN

Open date: 2006

Close date: ONGOING



Study coordinatorProfessor Nick Martin

Contact details:

T: 1800 257 179


A: QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute

Locked Bag 2000, Royal Brisbane Hospital,

Herston, QLD, 4029, AUSTRALIA