We are interested in learning how genetic and genomic information is currently being analysed, and how it might be re-analysed within Queensland Health in the future. To examine this, I am interviewing a range of different people across Queensland Health.
In these discussions, we’ll talk about current testing practices, how re-analysis might work in the current system and how it might work in the future.
The interviews will be semi-structured, which means that our discussion will most likely resemble a dialogue. The interviews can be in person, or online. We expect that these sessions will last between 60-120 minutes.
The data collected during the interviews will be anonymous.
If you have any questions, please contact me on a.robertson2@uq.edu.au.
This study has been approved by the QIMR Berghofer HREC as low or negligible risk project (QIMR Berghofer HREC project number P3654). If you would like to speak with someone with regards to ethical matters or wish to register a formal complaint about the conduct of this research – please contact the QIMR Berghofer HREC Secretary via email at HREC.Secretariat@qimrberghofer.edu.au.
This study has received approval from the Metro North HHS Research Governance Office. Pathology Queensland has provided a Laboratory Declaration that allows Pathology Queensland members to contribute to this work.
As part of a project supported by QIMR Berghofer, The Digital Health CRC, The University of Queensland, and Queensland Health, this project aims to examine how genetic and genomic information is re-analysed in a public health setting through a number of semi-structured interviews with experts and leaders in the genomics space within Queensland Health.
The periodic re-analysis of clinical genetic and genomic information is now recommended by a number of industry bodies. However, the re-analysis of this information is complex, and different providers can have different processes to re-analyse this information. The aim of this study is to understand how genetic information is re-analysed across the different areas of Queensland Health, and the types of information used to inform these decisions.
A number of semi-structured interviews will be carried out with key thought-leaders, experts and stakeholders in the genomics space from Queensland Health.
Data with identifiable information will only be accessible to the study team members from QIMR Berghofer. The study team consists of:
For the purposes of reports, publications, presentations and press releases data will be presented as summary data or thematically amalgamated. No individual data or identifying information for the individual participants or their organisations will be reported.
Data will be stored and archived in compliance of NHMRC’s Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research. Data access will be restricted to people named in this HREC approved project (P3654).
There are no specific benefits to the participants in this study.
There are no risks associated with participation in this meeting.
Participation is voluntary, refusing to participate or withdrawing will not impact your relationship with QIMR Berghofer or The Digital Health CRC or The University of Queensland. You are free to withdraw at any time during the meeting. If you choose to withdraw, any meeting notes that reference your contribution to the meeting will be removed from the study.
Please contact Alan Robertson via telephone: 0405 782 793 or via email: a.robertson2@uq.edu.au