Associate Professor | Senior Research Officer
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Catherine Olsen, PhD, is a cancer epidemiologist with a science background. She is currently a Senior Research Officer in the Cancer Control Group of the QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute in Brisbane, Australia and holds an adjunct appointment as Associate Professor with the Faculty of Medicine, the University of Queensland.
A/Prof Olsen has research interests in the causes and prevention of cancer, particularly skin cancer. She co-led the development of a large prospective study of skin cancer (the QSkin study) which she currently manages. She has collaborated with international consortia focused on skin cancer research including the EPI-UV-HPV-CA Consortium, the International Melanoma Analysis Group (IMAGE), and currently with the Keratinocyte Carcinoma Consortium (KeraCon). In addition to her research activities, A/Prof Olsen has served as a member of the Evaluation Subcommittee of the Medical Services Advisory Committee for the Australian Government and is a sitting member of the Human Research Ethics Committee of QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute. She also holds an editorial position with the British Journal of Dermatology.
2011-present: Senior Research Officer, Division of Population and Clinical Sciences, QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute
2018-present: Associate Professor (Adjunct), Faculty of Medicine, Diamantina Institute, The University of Queensland
2018-present: Member – Human Research Ethics Committee, QIMR Berghofer
2015-present: Associate Editor (Epidemiology)
2015-present: British Journal of Dermatology
2014-present: Member – Human Scientific Sub-committee (HSSC) of the QIMR Berghofer Human Research Ethics Committee
2019: Section Editor (Etiology), Cancer Control
2009-2018: Senior Lecturer (Adjunct)/Honorary Senior Research Fellow, School of Population Health, The University of Queensland
2011: Advanced Epidemiologist, Epidemiology, Surveillance and Research Unit, Communicable Disease Branch, Queensland Health
2006-2010: Research Officer, Division of Population and Clinical Sciences, Queensland Institute of Medical Research
2003-2009: Editorial Assistant “Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention”
2006-2008: Post-doctoral Research Fellow, The University of Queensland
To view A/Prof Olsen’s Google Scholar publications please click here
Current research activities encompass modifiable lifestyle risk factors and environmental exposures in disease aetiology as well as risk prediction for melanoma and keratinocyte cancer. A/Prof Olsen currently co-leads a large prospective cohort of over 43,000 Queensland residents (QSkin) established in 2011 with the aim of defining the role of environmental and host/genetic factors in the development of melanoma and other cancers of the skin. The cohort is also measuring the impacts of protective behaviours and estimating the burden of skin cancer in Australia in terms of incidence, morbidity, mortality and the costs associated with diagnosis and treatment.
2018: Recognised as ‘Field Leader’ in Australia (Field: Dermatology)
2006: University of Queensland Post-doctoral Re-entry Fellowship for Women
1991: Australian Postgraduate Research Award
2005: Master of Public Health, the University of Queensland
1996: Doctor of Philosophy, the University of Queensland
1990: Bachelor of Science with (Honours Class 1), the University of Queensland