Health economics is concerned with issues of efficiency, effectiveness, value, health behaviours and the functioning of healthcare systems. We need a health system which provides the best services not because those who can shout the loudest insist on them but because they are high-value, fair, equitable, transparent and evidence-based. Australia has no shortage of pressing public health problems and we need to get spending right on healthcare if we are to meet future population needs.
Our Health Economics team is led by Professor Louisa Collins. Our research is focused on economic evaluations and decision-modelling of healthcare interventions that span a range of health conditions and populations but has a key theme around cancer control strategies, from prevention through to survivorship care.
Economic evaluations in health care assess the costs and patient benefits of new services and technologies to determine their value for money. This usually involves both short-term ‘within-trial’ analyses and long-term decision-analytic modelling. Ultimately, this work assists in the translation of interventional research into clinical practice so that effective services also demonstrate good economic value. The team also undertakes work that highlights areas of inefficiency where healthcare resources are misused or could be more efficiently delivered. Finally we recognise that initiatives which promote the prevention of disease is paramount to preserving a sustainable health system, and view economics around this work as a priority.
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