The Indigenous Genomics Health Literacy Project (IG-HeLP) has now been finalised. The team is proud to present two health literacy resources that have been developed to educate and inform Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander consumers and health workers on the topics of DNA, genes, genetic health, genetic testing and precision medicine:
Click on your corresponding region to open and download a PDF copy of the brochure for printing
The Indigenous Genomics Health Literacy Project (IG-HeLP) is a partnership between QIMR Berghofer and Queensland Genomics (QG), which aims to develop health literacy resources on genomics, genetic testing and precision medicine for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander consumers and health workers.
IG-HeLP was derived from the GenetiQs Project community consultations. It hopes to support the equitable delivery of genetic health services by creating resources to aid community health providers and Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander patients to make informed choices when accessing genetic health services.
IG-HeLP will identify the most appropriate resources for communicating genomic information; and develop these resources through a mix of subcontracting and internal processes. The team will work with Queensland Aboriginal and Islander Health Council (QAIHC), Aboriginal and Islander Community Controlled Health Services (AICCHS), Genetic Health Queensland (GHQ) and the community to pilot resources, and source funding for implementation of the recommendations.
IG-HeLP Community Group
IG-HeLP with the help of Queensland Aboriginal and Islander Health Council (QAIHC) and its member networks will recruit a community group to help us develop the resources.
The community group comprising of approximately 12 Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people from across Queensland met in Brisbane for a 2-day workshop in July 2019 to help develop these resources to inform consumers, their families and clinicians about genomic research, genetic counselling/testing and precision medicine.
This map and locations are the Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Genomics Community Group members home towns.
Gregory Pratt Manager |
Cath Brown Project Officer |
Corey Jones Communications Projects Officer |