In the News

Donna Hancock

The Chair of the QIMR Berghofer Council, Professor Sharma, recently announced the departure of the Institute’s long-serving Chief Operating Officer and Council Secretary, Ms Donna Hancock.

Ms Hancock provided 13 years of dedicated service to the Institute and its researchers as the highly respected leader of the Support division, the Institute’s second most senior role after the Director and CEO. She has also served successive Councils and Chairs of Council, as the Secretary to the Council.

Professor Sharma paid tribute to Ms Hancock, saying that “she leaves the Institute with the Council’s gratitude and very best wishes for the future.

Donna is a person of the highest integrity and has given total dedication to the Institute in her role. Her outstanding management of the Institute’s operations has not only helped to make the Institute what it is today, but has also set it up for a strong future.

I personally thank her for the support and assistance she has provided me in my role as Chair of Council and also to successive Directors and Deputy Directors of the Institute.”