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QIMR Berghofer welcomes renewed MRFF commitment

The QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute has welcomed the Federal Government’s renewed commitment to medical research.

QIMR Berghofer Director, Professor Frank Gannon, said all Australians would benefit from the establishment of the Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF).

“QIMR Berghofer’s vision is better health through medical research, and the MRFF is an essential investment to improve health for all Australians,” Professor Gannon said.

“Scientists in the medical research area are driven to discover, and to apply these new insights to make a difference to the health of the community.

“Work that will be possible because of the MRFF will reduce the impact of disease on Australians, as well as the cost of the growing health burden.”

The Federal Government yesterday announced changes to the way Australia’s proposed MRFF will be funded.

In six years the returns from the MRFF will provide a billion dollars to be invested in medical research annually – doubling the national funding commitments to health.

Professor Gannon said medical research requires this level of funding to remain at the forefront of medical advancement and to truly benefit all Australians.

“Australian scientists are achieving a lot, but with the MRFF funding focussed on converting new discoveries into treatments, we could do even more.

“This would move Australia’s investment in research to the average of advanced countries, instead of the current position which is only 60% of comparable countries’ expenditure on health research.”

Professor Gannon said medical research provided the only real basis for hope for those who are suffering.

“Since the MRFF was first announced in May this year, QIMR Berghofer has been at the forefront of advances in treatments for brain cancer, blood cancer and bone marrow transplants.

“We would like to be able to expand on this work as quickly as possible, but that would depend on securing additional funding.”

Professor Gannon said while the Federal Government commitment would help future-proof medical research, QIMR Berghofer needs the on-going support of the community to truly drive the Institute’s work.