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Free cancer information session

Where: Westpac Auditorium, Bancroft Centre, Queensland Institute of Medical Research
300 Herston Road, Herston (next to the Royal Children’s Hospital)
When: Wednesday 10 August 2011, 10:00am for 10:30 start, finishing at noon.

The Queensland Institute of Medical Research (QIMR) is opening its doors for a free information session on cancer.

Come and hear about QIMR’s latest research on a range of cancers – including breast, ovarian, colorectal and blood cancers.

QIMR’s Community Relations Officer, Sara-Jane Dean said this event is a showcase of some of Australia’s leading experts in the area of cancer research.

“With 1 in 2 Australians diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime, information and education are so important in helping us understand the many different forms of cancer,” said Sara-Jane.

“QIMR’s free information session offers a wonderful opportunity to come and hear about the work our researchers are carrying out to better understand the causes and treatments for cancer.

“Places are limited, so we encourage you to RSVP to secure your place.”

To attend, simply RSVP by Friday 5 August on 1800 993 000 or