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QIMR Berghofer receives $29.4 million in NHMRC funding

QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute is pleased to announce it has received $29.4 million in the latest round of the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) funding.

Further research into immunotherapies, liver disease and a study that aims to fully characterise bioactive proteins in jellyfish venom and attempt to block their activity are just some of the projects being funded.

QIMR Berghofer ranked eighth for total funding awarded by the NHMRC—receiving the second highest amount of funding among all Australian independent medical research institutes and the second highest amount of funding of any organisation in Queensland, accounting for more than a quarter of all NHMRC funding awarded in Queensland.

Almost 21 per cent of the Institute’s project grants were funded compared to the national average 13.68 per cent. Overall the Institute had a 27.9 per cent success rate.

QIMR Berghofer Director and CEO Professor Frank Gannon said this outcome highlighted the Institute’s commitment to high quality research with increasing focus on clinical translation.

To find out more about other projects funded, click here.